2014 – BVA Annual Summer Show, Oswestry

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The Borderland Visual Arts Network is a group of some 60 artists who live in this area of the north Welsh border. They open their studios every year in June and there is a concurrent group show in the Willow Gallery in Oswestry.

The BVA was established in 1999 to provide an informal network offering support and information to artists living in and around the Shropshire border town of Oswestry in the UK. The group holds regular meetings, part social part ‘talking shop’, and puts on several annual events.
BVA members also have solo shows as well as occasional group exhibitions and every month we hold a small show in dedicated space at Oswestry Library.
There are currently members working in disciplines including painting, textiles, sculpture, photography, woodcarving, glass, pottery and printmaking.
Our members welcome studio visits by members of the public who have made a prior appointment.
