- 2016 – Borderland Visual Arts Summer Show
The annual group show of work by members of Oswestry’s local artists’ network; hosted by The Willow Gallery, Willow Street, Oswestry, it coincides with the BVA’s annual Open Studios event.
- 2016 – La Galleria Pall Mall, London
ROYAL ARTS PRIZE 2016 La Galleria Pall Mall 5b Pall Mall, London SW1Y 4UY 020 7930 8069 www.lagalleria.org The aim of this Award and Exhibition is to search out for and showcase artworks by artists that have embraced their individual exegesis in art, artworks that are a product of an inner balance in a world
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- REVIEW – ROA Gallery
A review in THIS IS LONDON Magazine
- 2016 – Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, London
SCULPTURE & CERAMICS EXHIBITION The Sculpture & Ceramics exhibition follows a series of popular well attended collective shows curated by the Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, focusing exclusively on showcasing works by established British and International artists. The unique and beautiful Sculptures and Ceramics on exhibition will captivate your imagination, each piece hand crafted in bronze,
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- REVIEW – Parallax Art Fair
INTERNATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF ART CRITICS http://international-confederation-art-critics.org/afternoon-kings-road
- 2016 – Parallax Art Fair, London
- 2016 – Erotic Art, Nude Tin Can Gallery, St. Albans
January 2016 Eroticism is wholly dependent on the viewer’s culture and personal tastes. Some may feel eroticism is an intrusion into the public realm and is something to remain private, unseen and hidden. The exhibition included wide and varied interpretations of the Erotic theme from a number of artists from across the UK at St
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- 2015 – Oriel Y Flodau, Aberystwyth
A Selected Joint Show to inaugurate this excellent new gallery in Aberystwyth www.blossomsgallery.co.uk
- 2015 – Gallery 3B, Shrewsbury
- 2014 – BVA Annual Summer Show, Oswestry
The Borderland Visual Arts Network is a group of some 60 artists who live in this area of the north Welsh border. They open their studios every year in June and there is a concurrent group show in the Willow Gallery in Oswestry. The BVA was established in 1999 to provide an informal network offering
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- 2014 – The Rights of Spring, Willow Gallery, Oswestry
www.willowgalleryoswestry.org The Rights of Spring: “Spring” can mean many things: not only the glorious season of renewal and growth after winter’s long grip, but also elasticity, agile leaping movement, poise and flexibility. It is the spring which is our source of life-giving water, both actually and symbolically. The title of this exhibiton is the Rights
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- 2014 – Oriel Y Dolydd, Llanfyllin
My piece Blue Peter on show in this excellent little gallery in the old Workhouse (Y Dolydd in Welsh), Lanfyllyn in Powys. The building also houses studios, workshops and a cafe, and hosts events indoors and out throughout the year. The piece explores ideas sparked from Peter Pan, Pan and indeed panic!
- 2013 – RURAL, pop-up, Oswestry
- 2013 – Oswestry Exhibition Centre
- 2013 – Oriel St. Michael’s, Llanyblodwel
- 2012 – The Cork Street Gallery, London.
ART EROTICA I had two pieces in this show – the one above, Orc 3, and another, Orc 4, placed in the window. We had hoped for some reaction from the passing public, but if they were shocked they didn’t say so. The show was opened by Edward Lucie-Smith who was kind enough to comment
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- Art In Ludlow – Ludlow Shropshire
Art In Ludlow 2009
- 2009 – Lungara 18, Rome, Italy
Lungara 18, Rome 2009 http://www.openhouseroma.org/
- 2009 – Madame Lillies, London
Madame Lillies in Stoke Newington, now known as PRO NUMB and showing a quite different sort of work.
- 2008 – Go Gallery, Amsterdam
Go Gallery, Amsterdam. A show curated to coincide with Amsterdam’s Gay Pride March which has to be one of the most spectacular in the world. The Gallery is right beside the canal; the parade took at least an hour to pass.
- 2006 – Hereford Arts Festival
Hereford Arts Festival 2006
- 2005 – Royal Birmingham Society of Arts, Birmingham
SUMMER OPEN Royal Birmingham Society of Arts This piece was made in response to the Gulf War, entitled “Not In My Name” it was awarded Best In Show
- 1998 – St. Mary’s Church Gallery, Southampton
St. Mary’s Church Gallery, Southampton 1998. Two very early works, carved in apple wood. They caused something of a sensation in this Gallery in a Church, but the vicar refused to take them off display. Good man.
- 1998 – Otaku Gallery, Southampton
Otaku Gallery, Southampton 1998